Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Flickr away!

I now have a Flickr - it's about time. I'm in the process of uploading my images and joining groups and making contacts etc. But i'll leave you with my URL so you can pop along anytime to check out my photos or whatever you want.



New hair, same old Katy Jackson.

I decided that it was time for a major trim so I took a little trip into town this afternoon and payed my hairdresser a visit. My hair was at that crappy length when it can't make up it's mind, you know what people like to refer to as 'mid-length', well it wasn't doing me any favours. I was planning on growing it but that failed. The last time I had long hair was when I was eight, I just can't deal with split ends though, I'd rather my hair be short.
Anyway, I think I look quite cute (it's not often I compliment myself)


Saturday, 27 March 2010

Beautiful Image Transfers

The following photos were created by the photographer and mixed media artist Jeani Germani, who I have used for a contextual artist for my photography as my theme is mixed media. She has created them using the image transfer technique, check out this website for details on how to apply this technique to your own images and for more mixed media artists: art-e-zine.co.uk/image.html



Lately i've been so swamped with college work as my exams and final art deadlines are looming, and so i've been struggling to find time to dedicate to my blog. I'll be following this update with a detailed post soon. Stay close blogger buddies!


Friday, 12 March 2010

Love Lula x

Photographer Sandra Freij helps Lula celebrate it's 5th birthday by producing a set of beautiful and enchanting images.



I think I have an obsession with brogues. I love their masculinity and durability. I love how they can add edge to any bleak outfit. And I love how they compliment almost anything - from floral day dresses to vintage playsuits. I've wanted a pair of these booties for a while now, but can't seem to save. However, with my birthday around the corner, I have a feeling that I'll be wearing these in no time thanks to a special individual. They're a little pricey, especialy my preffered choice, the Office ones that are retailed at a hefty £85! Bearing this in mind, I think ebay may be the better option.

(Office £85; Schuh £69.99)


WHAT I WORE: 12/03/2010


Something I desperately need to invest in is a decent tripod - I've had enough of these blurry images. Ignore the face and focus on what I'm wearing, and understand I was still half asleep when I took these photos.